Saturday 7 December 2013

Nifty Fut behind the screen

Hello trader friends,

Since so many days we have seen that market is trading in a range of 200 points from around 18-Nov-2013. Many of you can say that this is due to 5 state elections, but today we want to drive you to some technical points which will make you think twice as we believe this all time high or so level was formed in chart and it was visible in terms of patterns from August-2013.

in last few days Nifty Fut again has given a strong breakout aboove 6200 mark and market has gave some gains but we have observed this pattern and also we have informed repeatedly in our morning blog.
Ref link for proof.

Let us give you some brief idea about this pattern.
In august-2013 Nifty made bottom near 5125 and this was the time when new high was prepared in vision. After this bottom we have seen constant rise in Nifty index.

Then repeatedly happen in september-2013 where Nifty made bottom around 5325.

Then in september again Nifty made bottom around 5720.

And finally in november the very strong and base has formed near 6000 mark.

This pattern is largely known as higher top higher bottom. Where every low of the swing remain higher from previous low.

And in the November we has repeatedly said that we may see 6400 and for the same you can visit our blog.